
Step 1/7: Let's get started
Step 1/7: Let's get started

This is where you join or renew your membership of Dragon Flyers Dragon Boat Club or sign up for Dragon Pass which gives you a month's free trial 

DRAGON PASS - free temporary membership

If you want to try out dragon boating, you can sign up for a month's free temporary membership.  More information is on the New Paddlers page.

To sign up, go to the buttons below and select New Member.  When completing the form, select '1 DRAGON PASS - $0.00 ' as your registration type (at the very top of the selection list).  Then complete the information as requested.  This gives you one month's free membership to try out dragon boating.  

Full membership

To become a full member, you pay a membership fee for the Dragon Flyers and for the peak body, Dragon Boat ACT (DBACT).  DBACT provides the boats and other equipment, insurance and runs the regattas. 

The annual membership fee for Dragon Flyers is normally $100 for sports membership or $50 for full time students.  However, Dragon Flyers is discounting its sports membership fee to $75 in recognition of the disruption caused by the pandemic.

In 2023-24 the DBACT fees increased $30.  Dragon Flyers membership fee remains unchanged.   As a result the fees for 2023-24 are:

Sports membership:  Dragon Flyers $75 + DBACT $300.   Total $375 

Full time student:       Dragon Flyers $50  + DBACT $190.    Total $240

You will receive a renewal notice via the email address you provide. Please keep your details up to date so you don’t miss the emailed renewal notice. If your membership lapses, you cannot go out in a boat.  If you have any difficulties joining or renewing your membership, contact the Dragon Flyers membership officer at

.It is a condition of membership of the Dragon Flyers Club that all members adhere to the standards of conduct set out in the Australian Dragon Boat Association (AusDBF National Code of Behaviour while participating in training, regattas and any other Dragon Flyer activities on or off the water. (Failure to do so may result in disciplinary action including suspension or expulsion). Click here to view the AusDBF National Code of Behaviour.